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Christmas Donation Children Children Christmas Donation Children Children Children Children
Christmas1 Donation2 Children3 Children4 Christmas5 Donation6 Children7 Children8 Children9 Children10

Children showing their presents donated by RCF.

RCF-Godfather for Promocion of Primary School in Valdeviezo. December, 2013

This year, Dr. John Rottkamp was honored to be the Godfather of a Primary School Graduation, called "United Forever". This was the Nuevo Amanecer School Primary Graduation, school located on Mountain La Milla, San Martin de Porres, North Lima. Here twenty two girls and boys graduated successfully and we had the joy of being with them on this very special day.

Here the Principal of Nuevo Amanecer School, Mr. Adrian Pinto, saying good bye to the students and thanking RCF.

Kids performing their final dance.

Here chidren singing a song dedicated to all the guests present.

Here the watches donated by RCF.