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Christmas Donation Children Children Christmas Donation Children Children Children Children
Christmas1 Donation2 Children3 Children4 Christmas5 Donation6 Children7 Children8 Children9 Children10

Dr. John delivered all the christmas gifts to the Happy Kids.

Christmas Celebration with Children and Moms of Club de Madre in Valdeviezo, Lima-Peru. December, 2012

As part of RCF's annual Christmas Campaign, we coordinated a Christmas celebration with all the children and parents of the Club de Madres in the village of Valdiviezo, a shanty town in Northern Lima, Perú. It is a night of food, dance and games. The children were entertained with a christmas show and rewarded with christmas gifts donated by RCF's donors in the USA.

Kids dancing and having lots of fun during the christmas show.

Our smallest kids playing games with the charismatic entertainer.

The kids also received a visit from Santa (Papa Noel) and Mommy Noela.