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Christmas Donation Children Children Christmas Donation Children Children Children Children
Christmas1 Donation2 Children3 Children4 Christmas5 Donation6 Children7 Children8 Children9 Children10

Moms and children waiting to be attended in the different services provided such as psycology, obstetrics, odontology, medicine, environmental sanitation, children and adolescent defender and nutrition.


This year we joined the First Health Campaing organized by the Valdiviezo Medical center in the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús shanty town located in La Milla Mountain in San Martin de Porres, we participated with the donation of clothes to the needest, clothes that we donated thanks to our collaborators.

This is the Local Community where the Health Campaing and Donation of Clothes took place. It is located almost at the top of the mountain.

Here are some of the kids that received the clothes..

Very happy kids receiving the clothes.