One of the moms thanking Dr. John Rottkamp from RCF and Miss Omaira Carbone from SP for their support to the community.
During our visits to the families of the children who received the donations of backpacks and Christmas gifts, the ROTTKAMP CHARITABLE FOUNDATION realized that the little girls and boys didn’t even have their own beds because they shared them with their whole family. This adds to the extreme condition in which all they live which is so heartbreaking. This motivated RCF to start this campaign. This July we delivered five little beds consisting of a strong wooden frame, a mattress, a blanket and a pillow.
ere Dr. John Rottkamp is with the five happy kids benefiting from the donation of the five little beds.
The five happy kids and their parents next to the little beds.
The Chief Doctor of the Medical Center, Doctor Elizabeth, thanking RCF and SP for their work with the needest children in their town.
One of the kids performing a beautiful moving song called "I am peruvian".