Accompanying the children of the hills in their primary and secondary studies is part of our social commitment since 2008. Our main objective is to provide school supplies to children who study in state schools. Despite the difficulties involved in holding an event of this magnitude in the current circumstances, our 2023 Annual Campaign for BACKPACK DONATION was carried out successfully. This year our Annual Backpack Campaign celebrated 14 years of supporting the education of many kids from North Lima. Throughout all the years, the President of RCF had the joy of visiting different locations of Northern Lima with the help of the Coordinators of different Shanty Towns and “Glasses of Milk””, located in the high part of Mountain La Milla Mountain and surroundings areas, this year Dr. Rottkamp delivered these backpacks at the public school “José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira” Nº 3045. The delivery of backpacks and supplies was made to the children who live in the human settlements of the upper part of Cerro la Milla and its surroundings. The delivery was made in coordination with the coordinators of the Glass of Milk “Mujeres Emprendedoras” and “Santa Rosa II”.
AThe presence and support of the friends of the RCF family were essential to achieve this success for our campaign, thank you very much! With your contribution we were able to include a special function at the Cinema in the district of Downtown Lima-Peru as part of our campaign. Your generosity and support encourage us to continue helping. For the eleventh time we invited the kids and moms from the shanty towns of La Milla Mountain, the trip included transportation back and forth from the place they live to the cinema, the tickets to the movie and the delicious snacks and sodas. We treated all the kids to a day full of fun.